Monday 24 August 2009

No Such Thing as Job Security

We are taught from a young age to get a good education, get a good job, live within our means and look forward to our retirement. We have all been conned into thinking that a job is a route to security and that saving and a good pension will preserve us in our old age. This is complete bs. The worlds largest economy, the USA (according to Donald Trump), has unfunded Medicare and Social Security costs of a truly staggering US$72 trillion and governments around the world are printing money and creating budget deficits of truly breathtaking proportions. There is no such thing as job security.  If you loose your job how will you live once your support network is decimated? When you retire how much will your pension really be worth after a global depression? What support (if any) will you get from your government? If you are a baby boomer (born between 1945 and 1965) you and your children will be the most severely affected by these issues. 

Everyone deserves and can achieve financial independence and my mission is to show you how to achieve this.

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